Question: What empirical evidence substantiates the existence of a first-century Jesus or Yehoshua
specifically in the precise historical context of Roman-occupied Judea.
0:00 into
2:23 Methodological Framework
3:02 Empirical Evidence
5:46 Thallus
7:16 Mara Bar Serapion
9:56 The Testimonium Flavianum
19:25 Cornelius Tacitus
26:13 Pliny The Younger And Trajan
28:04 Lucian of Samosata
29:06 Suetonius
35:26 Independent Sources
41:44 Contemporary Sources
51:34 Conclusion
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Convergence in textual Analysis and Historical Reliability presents us with both Christian and non
Christian evidence supporting the existance of Jesus. For the purposes of this video, we will focus
on the non Christian sources, as sources such as the apostle Paul, the gospels proper or any
statement made by people who already believe by faith that Jesus is God, could be accused of being
partial and bias.
We do this to establish a basis of intellectual honesty in our research. But regardless of this
parameter, we are still left with a plethora of material to work with. I'll substanciate this statement
with more details on section 12.
Let's define and delineate first which sources we have .
The non Christian sources we have as evidence of Jesus' historical existence are mostly twofold.
They come from Roman and Jewish authors.
A dialectical analysis shows that these sources frequently manifest explicit antipathy towards
Christianity. If they had a reason to question or doubt the existance of Jesus, it would have
benefitted them to state it and use it. Yet no one does.
This is a very important contextual clue. Historically Christianity shook the foundations of Roman
theology and pagan worship within the empire, thus allerting the authorities causing a harsh
imperial response towards the new rising religion. This is an funmdamental socio political factor to
consider, so keep it in mind as we carefully review the words of the ancients.
There are usually 2 main counter arguments used to discredit the sources we are about to examine
with the aim of rejecting them a priori or to significatly dimish their historical validity and
relevance. 1 - The question of whether these authors wrote independently of Christian thought or
influence. And 2 - the question of whether or not these sources are contemporary to Jesus' life.
These logical structures are massive red flags. They are logical fallacies that should not be taken
seriously by any historian, scholar or amature, Christian apologetic or Atheist alike as they operate
under a false correlation paradigm. We will address both arguments, counter attack and dismantle
them to their very core on sections 10 and 11 respectively.
Furthermore on section 11 I will demonstrate why the evidence we have for Jesus is in fact
exceptional .
There are multiple ancient sources that mention Jesus in a varitety of ways, decrees of precision and
contextual relevance. For this Systematic evaluation we will divide these into 2 categories: Dubious
sources, and certain sources. The first category includes those sources that mentioned someone that
we think could be Him, but we are not sure. They could be valid, but they have a lower reliability
coefficient. The Certain sources are instead those that without question mention Him, and have a
higher degree of verifiability.
#metatron #jesus #history