I spent a couple of days with MuseScore 4, after working with Avids Sebelius for over 10 Years and here is what I thought...
(100% FREE) MuseScore 4: https://musescore.org/en
00:00 Intro
00:26 What is MuseScore
01:13 Playback
01:35 Muse Hub
02:23 MuseScore Vs DAW/Samples
03:31 First Look at MuseScore 4
06:23 MIDI Keyboard Players
08:27 Changing/Solo Instruments
09:19 The Problems
11:13 Muse Sounds AUDIO/MUSIC DEMO
11:56 Exporting MIDI/MusicXML - to Sib/DAW
13:20 Final Verdict