Is Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, worth the hype? Follow me around my first weeks in the city!
00:00 - 00:24 INTRO
00:24 - 00:39 Arriving
00:40 - 01:26 Transportation
01:27 - 03:16 Buildings & Rooftops
03:17 - 05:17 Shopping Malls
05:18 - 05:46 Nightlife
05:47 - 08:32 Daytime Party & Rachel Interview
08:33 - 12:25 Restaurants & Keah Interview
12:26 - 13:01 Infrastructure
14:25 - 14:37 Convenience
14:38 - 17:28 Jabulani Hostel & Susan Interview
17:29 - 17:53 Meeting People
17:54 - 18:16 Is Nairobi Worth the Hype?
• Donations only to Mpesa: 0797 390 514
NOTE: This is not my personal number, so it's completely off for calls or SMSs.
• From outside Africa? Donate through World Remit (Name: Yara Mabote | City/Town: Nairobi, Kenya | Contact: same as above)
Copyright Free Music:
For business/serious inquiries: ymas (dot) brands (at) gmail (dot) com
From Mozambique to Kenya!
#nairobi #nairobivlog