Springbank whisky has become a cult favorite, with prices soaring on the secondary market. But is it truly worth the premium, or is it all just hype? In this video, we explore the heritage, scarcity, and skyrocketing demand behind Springbank to finally answer the question... Is Springbank really worth it?
The thoughts and opinions in this video are my own. I'm not, and will never be, paid to influence my opinion on any whisky or product I review. My palate isn't perfect, and we're all learning everyday... Whisky is a journey, I'm just bringing you along for the ride!
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Gear I use, for Camera nerds.
A Camera: Sony FX-30
B Camera: Canon R5
Glass: Sigma 24mm ART f1.4 https://amzn.to/3C1TeQb
Glass: Sigma 35mm ART f1.4 https://amzn.to/306Ehzc
Glass: Sigma 18-35 ART f1.8 https://amzn.to/3wy1nLl
Monitor: Blackmagic Video Assist https://amzn.to/3Dgtile
Lights: Apurture 120D https://amzn.to/3wDhHKD
Lights: Apurture 300D https://amzn.to/2YxP19h
Lights: Neweer LED Bi-color LED panel https://amzn.to/3c4CxsM
Modifiers: Lightdome https://amzn.to/3BYx6q9
Modifiers: Lightdome Mini II https://amzn.to/3n3ez7V
Mic: Rode NTG2 https://amzn.to/3F7jNp0
#SpringbankWhisky #ScotchWhisky #WhiskyExploration #WhiskyMarket #IsItWorthIt #CampbeltownWhisky #WhiskyCollectors #WhiskyTalk