Hey guys whats up it's Shizukira, today we'll be addressing my previous video and talking about the fact drama is getting out of hand.
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Music Used:
Track 1: Backyard by Lofium https://pixabay.com/music/beats-lofi-song-backyard-by-lofium-242713/
Track 2: Magical Moments by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.com/
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
Track 4: Autumn SKY - Piano by Lidérc https://pixabay.com/music/beats-autumn-sky-piano-lofi-playlist-edition-and-royalty-free-use-237960/
00:00 Intro
00:58 Context
02:12 Not a Dramatuber
03:10 Difference between Drama and Opinion
03:57 Drama doesn't benefit anybody
05:27 Farming Views
06:44 Games improving for the player
08:14 Drama getting out of hand
09:03 Addressing my mistakes
10:15 Expecting triple A quality
11:38 Rapid fire comments
13:18 Conclusion and Channel Future