Prices vary greatly depending on the bag’s condition and whether it’s a rare find. For most standard pieces people usually go for (Chanel classics, 19 bags, Dior Saddle Bags, Lady Bags, etc.), the discounts seemed to be around 50%. Of course, harder-to-find items, bags in excellent condition, or especially beautiful designs had smaller discounts—or even came with a premium price tag. (And those are always the ones I want the most. 🤦🏽♀️)
The best part? 🌟You can try on anything, take pictures, and browse as much as you want without feeling judged by the staff!🌟
And yes, since it’s in China, concerns about authenticity might come up. But given China’s large affluent population and well-established culture of vintage and pre-loved luxury goods, their authentication process is said to be even stricter and more reliable than ours in Korea (similar to apps like Kream!). For well-known stores like ZZER, it’s even more trustworthy.