I only listen to a couple of podcasts, and the Tim Ferriss show is one. He talked with Peter Attia last week, and it reinforced much of what I've talked about over the last few weeks. Highly recommend.
Oh, and someone at Surly has lost their ever lovin' mind. It's madness, and I can't quite figure it out. Unless it's just all about money. And it's usually all about money.
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If I’ve got to wear shoes, they’re going to be Xero Shoes! www.xeroshoes.com/go/sensible
I’ve been using Mint Mobile for about a year now. I’ll be honest, it took a little while for it to work as I expected (likely my fault). The service has been great, and I’m saving a bunch of money. $15/month for 4gb of data. I never come close to using my allowance. If you look at your mobile bill every month and wonder why it’s so expensive-it doesn’t have to be! Try Mint Mobile! http://fbuy.me/qo2f-
All of the music on my channel-including that great song under the ride footage- comes from Epidemic Sound!
Copyright FREE music for your website, channel or podcast-use this link for one free month! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/u6qbsx/
All Amazon links are not only some of my favorite non bike things, but a cost free way to support my content. When you use one of my links to make a purchase (any purchase), I receive a small commission.
Between a library card, and Kindle Unlimited there are a world of books at your fingertips. TRY KINDLE UNLIMITED: https://amzn.to/3c474Zf
WHAT I’M READING: Ballistic (A Gray Man Novel) https://amzn.to/40CzSOk
Park Tool PCS-10.2 Home Mechanic Bicycle Repair Stand. https://amzn.to/3wVHe0q
Park Tool Home Mechanic Starter tool kit. https://amzn.to/3v8Ayen
CHEMEX https://amzn.to/3qNDStl
FILTERS https://amzn.to/3ob6vPs
SCALE https://amzn.to/3642Gpi
GRINDER https://amzn.to/39VCzlt
KETTLE https://amzn.to/2MfZBeC
Don’t forget the Tinker Coffee. www.tinkercoffee.com