New bass this time.. When it was done, it was one of the nicest things that came out of our workshop, at least to me.. What do you think? Anyway, about the video.. This instrument was made almost a year ago but I only got time to do edit the video now.. It is quite difficult to edit a footage filmed a long time ago because I basically forgot what was filmed and I don't write scripts. I usually have the video in my head as I film it.. But after a while, brain makes room for other things and deletes what is not used. So it took me probably double to edit this one than usual.. As I was editing, I noticed we didn't film any music on it and it is long gone from the workshop. Maybe we will try to get a sample from the owner playing it and post on instagram but I can't promise anything. The bass itself is made from bog oak, maple and oak veneer. The design inspiration came from the winter bass we made 4 years ago. I can't believe so much time passed. This time it is not semi hollow and no piezo pickups. We stick to what works best. More details on the hardware in the video itself, just press cc for the subtitles.
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Schubert's Impromptu no. 3 in B-flat major, D.935 - Chiara Bertoglio
Music licence:
Intro music: Danse Macabre - No Violin by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (