This one was a doozy! So many Pokémon and so many revisits. It felt like the Flying Type was a good opportunity to touch base on some recent placements.
0:00 - Intro
1:17 - Charizard Evolution Tree
1:46 - Butterfree
|4:16 - Pidgey Evolution Tree
4:43 - Spearow Evolution Tree
4:55 - Zubat Evolution Tree
5:16 - Farfetch'd
5:34 - Doduo Evolution Tree
5:43 - Scyther
5:58 - Mega Pinsir
6:14 - Gyarados
7:06 - Aerodactyl Evolution Tree
7:16 - Legendary Birds + Galarian Forms
9:50 - Dragonite
10:01 - Hoothoot Evolution Tree
10:45 - Ledyba Evolution Tree
10:55 - Togetic Evolution Tree
11:08 - Natu Evolution Tree
11:25 - Hoppip Evolution Tree
11:56 - Yanma Evolution Tree
12:26 - Murkrow Evolution Tree
12:41 - Gligar Evolution Tree
13:01 - Delibird
13:04 - Mantyke Evolution Tree
13:28 - Skarmory
13:45 - Lugia & Ho-oh
14:09 - Beautifly
14:15 - Taillow Evolution Tree
16:01 - Wingull Evolution Tree
16:17 - Masquerain
16:25 - Ninjask
16:30 - Swablu Evolution Tree
16:38 - Tropius
16:39 - Salamance Evolution Tree
17:17 - Rayquaza Evolution Tree
17:28 - Starly Evolution Tree
18:16 - Mothim
18:28 - Combee Evolution Tree
18:43 - Drifloon Evolution Tree
18:53 - Chatot
19:23 - Fan Rotom
19:46 - Sky Form Shaymin
20:16 - Pidove Evolution Tree
20:42 - Woobat Evolution Tree
20:50 - Sigilyph
21:03 - Archen Evolution Tree
21:11 - Ducklett Evolution Tree
22:05 - Emolga
22:42 - Rufflet Evolution Tree
22:54 - Vullaby Evolution Tree
23:12 - Forces of Nature + Therian Forms
23:57 - Fletcgling Evolution Tree
24:04 - Vivillon
25:20 - Hawlucha
25:24 - Noibat Evolution Tree
25:42 - Yveltal
25:45 - Rowlet
25:57 - Pikipek Evolution Tree
26:15 - Oricorio
27:04 - Minior
27:57 - Celesteela
28:12 - Rookidee Evolution Tree
28:21 - Cramorant
28:55 - Enamorus + Therian Form
29:19 - Squawkabilly
29:26 - Wattrel Evolution Tree
29:27 - Bombirdier
29:40 - Flamigo
29:41 - Iron Jugulis
29:59 - Outro