Ishq e madeena ┃Malayalam mashup ┃Mueen Qadri Bangalore official┃ #mueenqadri #malayalammashup.
Ishq e madeena Malayalam mashup 2022
Naatkhwan: Mueen Qadri Bangalore
Director: Saleem shah Qadri
producer: Sinan kavungal
Album name: Ishq e madeena (feeling towards madeena)
Me & my team has been lot of efforts to make this one album Alhamdulillah it went successfully from all your Dua may allah accept it shukran jazakallah for everyone who watched who shared my links may allah bless them all 😇🥰🤲
All of been a big supporters for me alhamdulillah I wanna thank them all may allah bless them & fulfill all there wishes 🥰🥰🥰😍😍🤩❤❤❤
Thank you once again to all my friends for making this album beautiful if you like this kalaam inshallah plz support us & give your feedbacks it will help us to make more & more album like this
& pray for me & my family & those madiheens who promoted my album like :-
@ThangalShahinOfficial (thwaha thangal & shahinbabu)
@islamicburdhasongstv5116(saleem jouhari ustad)
this only YouTube name I suggested you must follow them & support them may allah bless them all
still so many madiheens supported me I'm not getting there YouTube name may allah give them success & keep them happy always 🌹🌹🌹
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Instagram :-username : mueen_qadri
YouTube :- @MueenqadriBangalore
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#mueenqadri #naatstatus #naat #explore #madeena #malayalammadhsong #malayalammashup #2022