Issue Spotlight - Flooding: How New England Communities are Adapting & Where to Go for Funding
With climate change leading to more heavy rain events and sea level rise, New England communities - both coastal and inland - are increasingly dealing with flooding. Hear how communities in our region are adapting to these impacts, where to go for funding for these projects, and how the TCTAC can help.
Key topics include:
• How are New England communities impacted by flooding?
• What actions are communities taking to ensure roads, buildings, waterfront infrastructure, and vulnerable populations can withstand heavy rains and storms?
• What funding sources can pay for these types of flood mitigation and adaptation projects?
• What services can the TCTAC offer to support underserved communities dealing with these challenges?
Carolyn A. Lin, Ph.D.
Director, New England TCTAC
Professor, Department of Communication
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
University of Connecticut
Chloe Shields
Deputy Director, New England Environmental Finance Center
University of Southern Maine
Andrea Berry
Climate Funding Manager, New England Environmental Finance Center
University of Southern Maine