Hello, I'm Vinicius Siqueira, a master's and doctoral student in the Education and Health program at UNIFESP.
My courses on Michel Foucault and Michel Pêcheux: https://linktr.ee/ColunasTortas
Become a member and have access to exclusive videos. Find out more here: https://colunastortas.com.br/secao-exclusiva-para-diretors/
My reading material, in case you need a recommendation:
- Galaxy TAB S6 lite: https://amzn.to/4iTgMgV
- Kindle: https://amzn.to/49Z0izZ
My digital books:
Foucault and Archaeology: https://bit.ly/3dUJ8WF.
Fundamental concepts of Michel Pêcheux: https://bit.ly/366qEie.
Introduction to Ferdinand de Saussure for discourse analysis: https://bit.ly/3cFVD7h.
Fascism: an introduction to what we want to avoid: https://bit.ly/2BAVdBv.
Colunas Tortas:
- Website: https://colunastortas.com.br
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/colunastortas/
- My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poressechaopradormir/
- Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@colunastortas