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Good Day My Crafty Friends,
I hope you all are having a great day. Have you seen the new February Mixed Media Kit?? If you have it, have you had a chance to play around with all fun things inside? If not well today is the day you might want to play and try some of the fun techniques I share with you. I used a few other items from past kits and I will have the links for them if they are still available. I am so excited to share what I created so let's get busy and have some fun. I have all the links for you below.
Wishing you all a great day! ~Deb
Feb. 2025 Mixed Media Kit - https://tresjoliekits.com/collections/mixed-media/products/mixed-media-kit-2025
Dec. 2024 Scrapbook Kit - https://tresjoliekits.com/collections/scrapbook-kits/products/scrapbook-kits-2024?variant=44354123628730
Steampunk Small Clock - https://tresjoliekits.com/collections/chipboard/products/steampunk?variant=37992336654522