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IT’s ALIVE !!! Learn how to wake up the monster in your EUC!!! “Chapmans’ Plate”

Johnny Go Vroom 860 1 month ago
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Thanks for coming back guys! -stick around for the cool jacked cop at the end, he was really cool!!! 00:00 introducing my wheel and kit 1:26 Roger Chapman is a madman 6:02 The effects of this modification in summary 7:50 the tutorial 18:38 the finished product 20:11 the cool cop 20:34 the homeless dude 20:45 vibing at the shop 21:02 the end In this episode we talk about ‘Chapmans Plate’ , an innovation of Roger Chapman, the mastermind behind the VCF. We discuss the language he uses to understand the ‘mode’ , the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of these modifications. Roger does not like to comment on things or provide insights directly. I’ve taken notes. These modifications are dated technology. This is a gift from Roger’s archives. The palpable power increase is madness , I can now force a pedal dip at anytime. My ‘Kong bio pads’ pads use to rip off at a gesture of torque input. They would bow and flex and rip off of the wheel. I want you to have all of the control you pay for , all the power you paid for. This modification will make your wheel feel like a brand new EUC, if you are a racer , you have never had access to your wheels power… I don’t say that lightly - you HAVE NEVER had access to your wheel. The nuance of what it is, to truly control your EUC has never even been properly conveyed or contemplated until now. Roger Chapman is a mad man, he is a genius. And… soon to come, you will be able to purchase his pads. Yes. You heard me right. And just imagine- what this mod offers is just the tip of the iceberg. It gets so much better… At the bottom I’ll have the technical notes for the video- so you can fully digest what is happening and what Roger is producing in terms of substance with no frills. Cheer’s guys and if you want to buy the P1 max gloves, the T4 Pro or the master Pro version three - they can all be had through our friends locally at the PEV connection. (Euc’s in Florida) no coupon codes ​⁠ If you’re interested in the P1, max gloves or the E rides pedals and you don’t live in Florida simply head up Afeez at E-rides direct ! (Euc’s in the uk and abroad coupon code “JohnnyGoVroom ​⁠” As always companies that have helped me to arrive at the video you were watching show up a sponsors, but I am never paid to make any of these videos or make any of the statements that I make with that said I do get a small kickback from some purchases that you make utilizing the codes that I have below that I have listed below the scope of offerings and service as well as the products manufacture as it applies- their products I use that I don’t have affiliations with and that’s because they are not necessarily something I feel is an amazing product as a finished product as muchyy as it is something that accomplishes a goal, regardless of shortcomings abundant. When you ride you really wanna be protected, Lazy Rolling Makes my prefer upper body gear coupon code “JohnnyGoVroom” #asmr #electricunicycle #euc #scooter #inmotion #commute #zip #fast If you wanna test your speed - and have it count. makes the “RaceBox mini” I recently purchased for my channel. If you have any interest in drag racing, trails times or lap fun with your euc - this is the WAY to go !!! I paid full price so you don’t have to- I was so impressed with the ease and accuracy I partnered with to save my com@unity money. 1. Roll Authority (Pitch Control in EUCs) • Aviation Parallel: In aviation, pitch refers to the up-and-down tilting motion of an aircraft’s nose, controlled by the elevator. In an EUC, this is analogous to the forward-and-backward tilt, which directly impacts acceleration and braking. • EUC Application: Roll authority can now be reframed as pitch control authority, describing the rider’s ability to precisely manage forward (acceleration) and backward (braking) tilt, similar to how a pilot adjusts an aircraft’s pitch to climb or descend. • The rigid acrylic sheet in your modification acts like a stabilizer, ensuring consistent response to pitch input. • The foam provides dampening, comparable to reducing turbulence or buffering, making inputs smoother and more manageable. 2. Lever Force (Yaw Control in EUCs) • Aviation Parallel: In aviation, yaw refers to the left-and-right rotation of the aircraft’s nose, controlled by the rudder. In an EUC, this concept loosely maps to the lateral stability and responsiveness of the wheel when navigating turns or uneven terrain. • EUC Application: Lever force impacts yaw control, as pressure on the pads is transferred asymmetrically to manage directional changes or sudden course corrections. • The increased thickness of your modified pads enhances leverage, similar to how a larger rudder surface provides more control authority over yaw. This is a consolidation of the wisdom of Chapman… cheers
