Ashley Kang, Jankos, G2 BrokenBlade and HRTS Flakked discuss work/life balance as a pro League of Legends player, including exercise, practice schedules and more in episode 3 of Smite & Insight
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HRTS Flakked:
G2 BrokenBlade:
00:00:00 Introductions
00:00:47 Daily Schedule for an LEC Pro
00:05:23 Importance of Exercise for Pro Players
00:16:34 How Many Hours Do You Practice?
00:22:06 What is a Good Team Atmosphere?
00:23:52 How Has Heretics Improved This Year?
00:26:39 How Has Flakked Evolved Into a Leader?
00:30:43 Why is Jankos so Triggered by BrokenBlade & Flakked?
00:35:43 Are Speeches Important for Teams?
00:38:28 What Kind of Teammate was Jankos?
00:43:17 How Big of a Factor is Team Atmosphere?
00:48:42 How Important is Momentum?
00:51:07 Thoughts on Fearless Draft Format
01:06:06 LEC Finals Predictions
01:10:16 Thoughs on Caliste's Performance so far
#jankos #ashleykang #brokenblade #flakked #lec #leagueoflegends