貸切風呂の宿 稲取赤尾ホテル
河津桜が見頃ギリギリのある日、特急踊り子号に乗って春の伊豆旅に出かけてきました^o^ お宿は海鮮好きがギブアップしてしまうと言う噂のあのお宿! なんと「じゃらんアワード2022 泊まって良かった宿大賞夕食部門」で東海地方No.1(宿泊施設規模51〜100室の部)を獲得したそうです♪ 地元で取れた金目鯛をはじめ美味しすぎる海鮮グルメはもちろん、お膳の他に食べ放題のビュッフェはお肉好きもお子様も大満足! 無料で入れる7つの貸切温泉も温泉好きには見逃せません ^o^ またエリア最大級のキッズルームも併設し、お子様連れにもとっても優しい♪ これからの行楽シーズンに見逃せない大注目のお宿です ^o^
One day when the Kawazu cherry blossoms were in full bloom, I went on a spring trip to Izu on the limited express Odoriko ^o^ The inn is said to be the place where seafood lovers will give up! It seems that we won No. 1 in the Tokai region (accommodation size 51-100 rooms category) in the ``Jalan Awards 2022 Best Accommodation Awards Dinner Category'' ♪ The delicious seafood gourmet, including locally caught golden sea bream, is amazing! Of course, in addition to the meals, the all-you-can-eat buffet will satisfy both meat lovers and children! Hot spring lovers can't miss the 7 private hot springs that you can enter for free ^o^ We also have one of the largest kids' rooms in the area, making it very child-friendly ♪ This is a very popular inn that you can't miss during the upcoming tourist season ^o^
X(twitter) https://twitter.com/mans2ch
タイトル曲 : 天休ひさし「百花繚乱」
Music by
Khaim: https://www.khaimmusic.com/
YouTube オーディオライブラリー