It's been six years since Izuku and Ochako got together. It has come to that time that one or both decide to seal the deal and spend the rest of their lives together. Who will break the glass first? Uravity? Or Deku? Read the full comic here! - It's finally here. After two years of the comic's debut, a second dub has been done! Taking me about... I'd say a week and a half of constant work and editing, it's finally finished! I just want to say big thanks to destiny-hoodiez for allowing me to dub this! It's such an honor to finally bring this comic to life. I want to give a big thanks to the voice actors as well. They did a perfect job potraying Izuku and Ochako. I wouldn't be making this content without the hard work of the people I work with! And thank you guys for sticking with me throughtout these videos. It means a lot! But for now, I hope you guys enjoy this dub! "Stay with me on this journey" was written and illustrated by destiny-hoodiez - or Kim Morton/Kanono as the voice of Izuku Midoriya - Candice Faith as the voice of Ochako Uraraka - Songs used (in order): Tyler Joseph's Smithereens (Piano Construction) - TutorialsByHugo Shadow's Hero - My Hero Academia Official Soundtrack Chokushi Dekinai Urarakasa - My Hero Academia Official Soundtrack Mellow Twilight - My Hero Academia Official Soundtrack You can be a hero - My Hero Academia Official Soundtrack Baka Mitai (Jazz Version) (Used in end credits) - Yakuza 5 official soundtrack