Jackson Browne performs “The Barricades of Heaven”
From the album, “Looking East” http://hyperurl.co/u9fky1
Recorded for the 2020 Dream Concert to support the Verde Valley School Native American Scholarship Fund.
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Jackson Browne - Vocals, Electric Guitar
Greg Leisz - Slide Guitar
Mai Leisz - Bass
Erin Feinberg - Drums
Recorded at Groove Masters Studio, Santa Monica, CA
Recorded, Filmed and Mixed by Kevin Smith
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Running down around the towns along the shore
When I was sixteen and on my own
No, I couldn't tell you what the hell those brakes were for
I was just trying to hear my song
Jimmy found his own sweet sound and won that free guitar
We'd all get in the van and play
Life became the paradox, the bear, the rouge et noir
And the stretch of road running to L.A.
Pages turning
Pages we were years from learning
Straight into the night our hearts were flung
Better bring your own redemption when you come
To the barricades of heaven where I'm from
All the world was shining from those hills
The stars above and the lights below
Among those there to test their fortunes and their wills
I lost track of the score long ago
Pages turning
Pages we were years from learning
Straight into the night our hearts were flung
Better bring your own redemption when you come
To the barricades of heaven where I'm from
Childhood comes for me at night
Voices of my friends
Your face bathing me in light
Hope that never ends
Pages turning
Pages torn and pages burning
Faded pages, open in the sun
Better bring your own redemption when you come
To the barricades of heaven where I'm from
Better bring your own redemption when you come
To the barricades of heaven where I'm from
Written by Jackson Browne, Scott Thurston, Mauricio Lewak, Luis Conte, Jeff Young, Kevin McCormick and Mark Goldenberg
(Swallow Turn Music, ASCAP / Bateria Music, ASCAP / Iraguo Music, ASCAP / Neurp Songs, BMI / Eye Cue Music, ASCAP / Songs fo Windswept Pacific/Faux music, BMI)
Administrated by Drive Publishing