#HareKrsnaTV #BhaktiSongs #Krishnabhajan #JaiRadhaMadhav #VarshaShrivastava
श्री कृष्णा के सबसे लोकप्रिय कृष्ण भजन: जय राधा माधव, जय कुन्ज बिहारी , Let us pray to Kunjbihari Yashonandan Krishna. His name is inseparable from Radha and this bhajan is a soothing rendition of Lord Krishna and the many roles he plays with those who love him.
Singer : Varsha Shrivastava
Actor: Sita Kadam (Online Odissi Dance, Whatsapp: +91 93235 94423, Email: [email protected])
Music - Vijayananda
Bhajan Lyrics
👉 Jai Radha Madhav, Jai Kunj Bihari
Jai Gopi Jan Vallabh, Jai Girivaradhari
Jai Radha Madhav, Jai Kunj Bihari
Yashoda Nandan, Brij Jan Ranjan
Jamuna Teer Ban Chari
Jai Radha Madhav, Jai Kunj Bihari
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama
Rama Rama, Hare Hare 👈
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