Jaisalmer City | Mandir Palace | Jaisalmer Market | Jaisalmer | EP-3, Trip to Rajasthan | Trip 2025
Jaisalmer City | Mandir Palace | Jaisalmer Market | Jaisalmer | EP-3, Trip to Rajasthan | Trip 2025
Hi Everyone!
We are doing a trip from Goa to Jaisalmer and Jodhpur in Rajasthan. This video is the 3rd episode and in this video I have shown the Mandir Palace and Market of Jaisalmer.
So the Mandir Palace is the residence of the Royal Family of Jaisalmer and this palace is divided into three parts a hotel , museum and residence. Because it was our first day in Jaisalmer we explored just around the main area of Jaisalmer.
For more info about the things we did on our Day 1 in Jaisalmer watch the video and support us by subscribing to our channel.
Thank You 😊
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