This is the follow up to the Jamaican traditional #Gospelmix, featuring the old school music of the #Gracethrillers, Claudelle Clarke and Barbara Jones singing some of your favourite gospel songs that you sang in Sunday school or School devotion. Taking you down memory lane and to happier times as kids.
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These songs are not the property of DJWIZMUZK and Affiliates. As usual this is for entertainment purposes only and no copyright infringement is intended.
All credits due to artist's and production teams. Support the artists by purchasing music through all legal means.
I saw the light Claudelle Clarke
My God is Real Barbara Jones
Happy in the Lord Barbara Jones
Sweet Jesus what a wonder you are Barbara Jones
Glory Hallelujah Claudelle Clarke
Mansion over there Claudelle Clarke
Jesus is coming soon Claudelle Clarke
It soon be done Otis Wright
I Love that man from Gallalei Otis Wright
Send the Light Grace Thrillers
Blood running over in your vein Barbara Jones
The Lord's my Sheperd (He Lives) Barbara Jones
Wounded Soldiers Lorene Williams
It is all right (medley) Barbara Jones
My God is bigger
I Am Persuaded Lorene Williams
Precious Jesus Grace Thrillers
By The Grace Of God Grace Thrillers
It's Jesus Grace Thrillers
If I Am Too High Grace Thrillers
Tear Drops Are'nt Welcome Grace Thrillers
Lead Me To Calvary Grace Thrillers
Shady Green Pastures Grace Thrillers