Watch Full Video Of Viral Ho Munda Song.
Janam Janam, Staring Roman Kerai & Suman Mai, Directed By Kol Ho Pramin Jamuda, Music Composed By:- RS Studio , Lyrics By Vikash Gagrai Enjoy Janam Janam Ho Munda Song Video 2024...
Video Credit:-
•Cast:- Roman Kerai & Suman Mai
•Child:- Srishti Kerai
•Supporting Actor: Sandeep Kerai & Sumi Kerai (Roman's Father & Mother)
•Special appearance:- Karan Baray
•Story:- Roman Kerai
•Singer:- Junior James & Nirmala Kisku
•Lyrics:-Vikash Gagrai
•Director:- Kol Pramin Jamuda
•Music:- RS Home Audio,Dublabera
•Choreographer:- Kol Pramin Jamuda
•Producer:- Tarun Kerai
•Co-producer:- Sanny Kerai
•Camera:- Kol Pramin Jamuda
•Edit & DI:- Kol Pramin Jamuda
•BGM :- Sanjeev Soren Studio
•Poster:- Kol Pramin Jamuda
•Makeup:- Baburam Tiu
•Costume:- Vishal Gope
Special Thanks..
•Pushpa Doraiburu Kerai
•Narendra Barla
•Navin Kerai
•Savita Kerai
•Jema Kerai
•Nandi Kerai
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