On a sunny and pleasant day, Agha Javad was standing next to his small hut with his mother and his wife Farzaneh. Javad, who had woken up after a deep sleep, realized that everything had changed. While he still felt tired, his grandmother slowly came forward and said to him with concern: "My son, Farzaneh put a sleeping pill in your tea to make you surrender in any way." Javad was shocked to hear this sentence and felt a deep sense of betrayal in his heart. His eyes filled with anger and his hand trembled violently.
However, Javad could not control himself. Without saying a word, he attacked Farzaneh. Anger appeared on his face and without any mercy, he beat her severely. While Farzaneh fell to the ground from the force of the blows, Javad shouted loudly: "Get out of this house!" and threw Farzaneh's bag out of the house. His cold and ruthless gaze showed that there was no forgiveness for his wife's betrayal.
Javad said to Farzaneh mercilessly: "From now on, you must live in this tent next to this house." Farzaneh, still in shock, tried to return home and apologize, but Javad paid no attention to her pleas and closed the door tightly.
No matter how hard Farzaneh tried, Javad would not give up. Finally, she was forced to stand next to the house and get used to living in the new conditions that Javad had imposed on her. In the meantime, Javad, without a moment's rest, started working. He carefully mixed cement and sand and poured it on the roof of their new house. He was so busy that he did not even look at Farzaneh.
Meanwhile, the grandmother lovingly and compassionately prepared a delicious meal for Javad. She knew that Javad was deeply hurt in his heart by Farzaneh's betrayal, but he still held her in his loving embrace and brought her warm and delicious food to soothe her soul. All this while Farzaneh silently watched everything that happened from outside the hut, busy with thousands of thoughts and questions in her heart about whether Javad would ever forgive her or not.
#JavadVsFarzane #RevengeInTheSun #ShockingReaction #BetrayalAndRevenge #EmotionalConfrontation #JavadAndFarzane #UnforgivableBetrayal #FamilyDrama #HeartbreakingMoment #JavadPunishesFarzane #JavadAndHisMother #TheChadorPunishment #BreakingPoint #HouseOfBetrayal #TheTruthRevealed