How to 42RLE Solenoid Pack Test & Flush How to, this example is in a Jeep Cherokee / Liberty / Wrangler 3.7L V6 stuck in limp home mode with P0750 fault code. 42RLE Transmission Problems 42RLE ValveBody Removal In Car to replace Solenoid Block. 42RLE Accumulator Piston Install, 42RLE 2 4 Solenoid, 42RLE L & R Solenoid, 42RLE Overdrive Solenoid, 42RLE Underdrive Solenoid, Lubegard Assembly Gel, Lubegard Assembly Goo, 42RLE Selector Position to Refit Valve Body, 42RLE Overdrive Accumulator, 42RLE Underdrive Accumulator,
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1999–2003 45RFE Transmission 4-speed (5 speed)
2003–2012 42RLE Transmission 4 speed longitudinal rear-wheel drive
45RFE Identified by 15 Bolt Transmission Pan
42RLE Identified by 13 Bolt Transmission Pan