"Get ready to laugh 'til you cry! Jethro and Denzil Penberthy are back with more hilarious antics in Part One of their adventure. Don't miss out on this comedy gold – it's pure entertainment from start to finish!" Edited
00:18 Jethro's Wife Coil Fitted
00:45 Jethro brought his wife out
01:08 Jethro getting married in the church!
01:54 Educational Evening
03:16 Denzil Indian food
04:13 Jethro's Mate Denzil Penberthy
04:46 Denzil Advert in Local Paper
05:12 Denzil Vindaloo
#jethro, #Jethro comedy, #Cornish comedian, #Jethro live stand-up, #Jethro comedian live show, #Jethro comedian full show #Jethro comedian best of, #Camborne station, #train don't stop at Camborne, v2