In the heart of mythical Hyborian Africa, Conan the Cimmerian sets out in search of the legendary Jewels of Gwahlur, hidden in the ancient city of Alkmeenon. In this tale full of intrigue and danger, Conan must face cunning adversaries, treacherous priests, and supernatural guardians of the treasure. Will he manage to obtain the priceless jewels, or will he be defeated by the forces that protect the secrets of Alkmeenon? "Jewels of Gwahlur" is a classic tale of adventure, betrayal, and relentless struggle for survival.
*Table of contents:*
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:12 01.Paths of Intrigue
00:30:32 02.A Goddess Awakens
00:51:51 03.The Return of the Oracle
01:14:14 04.The Teeth of Gwahlur
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*Created by:*
🎙️ Narrated by Josh Greenwood
✂️ Edited by Martin Gold
🎨 Graphic by Jordan Harvey
Alternative titles: Teeth of Gwahlur, The Servants of Bit-Yakin
🖋️ Author: Robert Ervin Howard
📅 First publication: Weird Tales, 1935
🐉 Genre: Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery
🇺🇸 Language: English
🎧 Version: Unabridged, Full/Complete
📝 Subtitles included
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