#утетисони #вкусноенастроение #изкурицы #еврейскаякухня #простаякухня #элементарнаякухня #кулинариярецепты #экономнаякухня #dodasony
Much has been said about Jewish housewives, and “10 dishes from one chicken” sounds like a joke.
As a tribute to the memory of our mothers and grandmothers, who lived in very cramped conditions, trying to feed a large family tasty, satisfying and varied with one bird.
I understand that I won’t show you anything particularly new, it’s more about memory and nostalgia, but in case it comes in handy for someone.
So, ONE bird and 8 dishes from it
- schnitzel
- chopped cutlets
- chicken steak
- wings in honey-tomato marinade
- leg stuffed with meat and mushrooms
- broth
- mashed potatoes with chicken
- Gefilte gelzele (stuffed neck)
00:49 broth preparation
01:54 Schnitzel preparation
03:02 chopped cutlets preparation
05:37 pargit steak preparation
08:56 wings preparation
11:24 stuffed ham preparation and cooking
18:05 Gefilte gelzele (stuffed neck) preparation
23:12 schnitzel cooking
24:45 chopped cutlets cooking
26:36 parghita steak cooking
27:47 wings in honey-tomato marinade preparation
30:11 Gefilte gelzele (stuffed neck), preparation
32:19 puree with poultry meat
----Bottles for sauces http://alli.pub/5o6ok6
How to cut a chicken https://youtu.be/WtH4hx_LFgE
Playlist "Poultry dishes" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjWOtuLjFUXOUY61IM0sF_CvAwlISOSQf
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