#JhandiEcoResort #offbeatdooars #offbeat NorthBengal #Dooarsinmonsoon #Dooarsinrain #dooarshillstation #offbeatDooars
How to reach Jhandi?
Where to stay in Jhandi?
New Mal to Jhandi
Lataguri to Jhandi
In this channel , I will bring you videos or #travelvlogs of various tourist destinations. I will try to explore the beauty of nature, and show it to you in an unbiased manner. I will also share all the necessary information which you may need while travelling.
I will also post a few videos on English Literature for the students of English Honours. In these videos , I will try to keep my explanations as simple as possible and try to clear the concepts of the students.
Travelling places and literature - these are the two things that keep me alive. And my videos are just a way to express that love and share it with all of you.
Keep watching my videos and subscribe to my channel. Also let me know about your views/suggestions by commenting.
You may email me at sagnikods@gmail.com .