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Jharkhand के सबसे कु'ख्या'त गैंग'स्टर Aman Sahu के अंत की कहानी, ऐसे हुआ दह"शत का अंत | Aman Sahu

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About Video : Jharkhand के सबसे कु'ख्या'त गैंग'स्टर Aman Sahu के अंत की कहानी, ऐसे हुआ दह"शत का अंत

झारखंड को आखिरकार अमन के आतंक से छुटकारा मिल गया. पलामू की सड़कों पर मंगलवार तड़के बम और गोलियों की गूंज क्या उठी, धनबाद, रांची, हजारीबाग, रामगढ़, चतरा, पलामू और लातेहार में शांति आ गई. उधर, अमन की सांसें थमी और इधर, झारखंड के दर्जनों कोयला कारोबारियों, कपड़ा व्यावसायियों और बिल्डर्स ने राहत की सांस ली. मंगलवार को तड़के झारखंड में अपराध के एक अध्याय का अंत हो गया. झारखंड में पिछले 12 साल से खौफ और दहशत का पर्याय बने कुख्यात गैंगस्ंटर अमन साहू को रांची पुलिस ने मार गिराया. जिन हथियारों को हाथ में लेकर अमन साहू सोशल मीडिया में तस्वीरें पोस्ट करने का शौकीन था, उन्हीं में से एक हथियार से निकली गोली ने इस कुख्यात गैंगस्टर की क्राइम कहानी का चैप्टर क्लोज कर दिया.

Jharkhand finally got rid of the terror of Aman. As soon as the sound of bombs and bullets echoed on the streets of Palamu on Tuesday morning, peace returned to Dhanbad, Ranchi, Hazaribagh, Ramgarh, Chatra, Palamu and Latehar. On the one hand, peace stopped and on the other hand, dozens of coal traders, textile businessmen and builders of Jharkhand heaved a sigh of relief. On Tuesday morning, a chapter of crime in Jharkhand came to an end. Notorious gangster Aman Sahu, who had become a synonym of fear and terror in Jharkhand for the last 12 years, was shot dead by Ranchi Police. A bullet fired from one of the weapons with which Aman Sahu was fond of posting pictures on social media closed the chapter of the crime story of this notorious gangster.
Let us know in this video who was Aman Sahu. How did he become a gangster. What are the charges against him. Why in more than half a dozen districts of Jharkhand including Dhanbad, everyone, whether common or special, lived in terror. What is the story of Aman Sahu. Matbe is a small village near Jharkhand's capital Ranchi. Aman Sahu was born here. Villagers say that Aman Sahu was a very quiet and shy boy in his childhood. He was often lost in his own world. Local people say that when Aman Sahu was in 10th class, he had to go to jail for some reason. There is no clear information about the case in which he went to jail. After being released from jail, he first passed matriculation and then intermediate examination. He scored good marks in intermediate. Then he did a diploma and opened a mobile repair shop. It is said that people with criminal background would often come and sit in the shop. This shop itself became a nursery of crime for Aman Sahu. Aman Sahu started meeting criminals. In a short time, he joined the banned extremist organization CPI (Maoist). After spending some time in Naxalism, he formed his own gang in the year 2013. This gang started threatening businessmen and builders on the strength of weapons. Started collecting levy from them. In a short time, Aman Sahu, a boy from a small village like Matbe, turned into a notorious gangster Aman Sahu. The boundaries of his crime crossed not only interstate but also international boundaries. From 2013 to last Friday, the name of Aman Sahu gang came up in dozens of shootouts. Threatening businessmen. Extorting money from them. Aman Sahu gang carried out many criminal incidents including kidnapping, murder, robbery. Gradually it came into contact with the famous Lawrence Bishnoi gang. The NIA investigation revealed that Aman Sahu used to provide people to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang and in return used to get sophisticated weapons. At present, more than 150 criminal cases are registered against Aman Sahu in different police stations of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.
In the year 2019, Jharkhand Police caught Aman Sahu for the first time. But, on September 29 this year, he escaped by dodging the police. However, in July 2022, the police arrested Aman Sahu again. He was lodged in Giridih jail. Last year, a big builder of Raipur was threatened with death. Before this, another builder was shot at.

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द फोर्थ पिलर के पन्ने पर आप पहुंचे हैं, हमें खूब अच्छा लगा. ये वातानुकूलित कमरे और निगम संस्कृति (कॉर्पोरेट कल्चर) से भागे हुए लड़के- लड़कियां हैं. जिन्हें मेट्रो सिटी के धुंधलके से छिप जाने वाले गांव-गरान के मसलों ने खींच लाया है. ये बुलेट मोटर साइकिल और डबल डेकर बस पर चढ़कर बजट और चुनावी नतीजों पर शोर मचाना नहीं जानते. पर साफ़ शब्दों में बाबा की बीड़ी का दाम कितना बढ़ा और चाची को तेल अब कितने में मिलेगा या रहमान की गाड़ी का पेट्रोल कितना और क्यों बढ़ा ये साफ़ शब्दों में बताना जानते हैं. शिक्षा पर सवाल हो या दहेज की मांग हो, ये जनताना सवालों पर मुकम्मल वार करना जानते हैं. ये भागे हुए लड़के-लड़कियां हैं जो किताब के सफ़हों से पत्रकारिता का मसाल जलाना जानते हैं.

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