Author Jill Ragan of "The Tiny But Mighty Farm" and YouTube voice of Whispering Willow Farm teaches you how to turn a typical suburban backyard into a productive mini farm. This speaker session was filmed LIVE at the 2023 Homestead Festival. (Day 2 / Tent B)
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About Jill Ragan:
Jill Ragan, the Garden Grower and Shop Owner @WhisperingWillowFarm in the hill country of Central Arkansas, has embarked on a garden-growing and homesteading adventure for over a decade. Unfinished in her agriculture degree and lacking the legacy of well-to-do farmers, Jill draws inspiration from a lineage of dedicated backyard gardeners, instilling core values and principles that guide her as a farmer. Alongside her husband, they have established a small farm, cultivating food and livestock for their family and community. Through their online courses, Jill and her husband guide thousands of individuals across the country in their pursuit of a self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle. Learn more at