For the rest of my life I will always associate this with that big, lovable grumble bear Lou Grant played by Ed Asner on The Mary Tyler Moore show. You are probably wondering why....well here it goes.
After her very successful run of the ground breaking MTM Show (loved that tiny ginger tabby roar at the end) 1970-1977, she tried twice to re-ignite that magic with two failed shows "Mary" 1978 cancelled after three episodes, then "The Mary Tyler Moore Hour" 1979 which then was cancelled after 11 episodes in 1979.
I can't pinpoint the episode, but she introduces Jimmy Bo Horne's 1978 single "Let's Dance Across The Floor" and when the lights came up behind her there was like ten of them dressed the same way as Mr Grant, white shirts, sleeves rolled up, black dress pants just like Lou Grant right down to the beary bulk and the bald heads. They were in this ten pin formation throughout out the number and they were surprisingly good! I was transfixed! They were all on step on that song.
That's the only time it was ever on TV, but I saw it and remember it clearly and then I ran out and got the album. Always reading the liner notes and saw it trademarked The Sound Of Sunshine and knew it would be a great album.
Jimmie Horace Horne Jr was born September 20, 1949 in West Palm Beach, Florida to school teacher parent and was an only child. In 1971 he completed his studies in Sociology then relocated to Miami when he dubbed himself Jimmy Bo Horne and began work in earnest to secure a recording career. Did you know he recorded an answer song to Betty Wright's "Clean Up Woman" ? Check it out!
Well, it was Miami and Hialeah was right in the city's back pocket where TK Records was located. They signed him to Alston and then Sunshine Sound Records and gave him his only pop hit "Dance Across The Floor" which made Top 40 by peaking at #38. The extended version was the single version that faded out and then the instrumental version was cut in which really killed the vibe, so I have edited out that fade to keep that beat from stoppin'!
The following year he did the energetically funky "Spank", a powerful dance tune and then 1980's slow groovin funk tune "Is It In" and got only R&B airplay for those two. That last single ended his chart life anywhere.
In 1980 I heard "Is It In" and the bass line was gut shaking but then it suddenly took a left turn as I realized someone created a megamix by mixing in short parts of soul and disco from 73 - 76 sequenced one after the other in perfect synch with the bass line loop. I think it was called the Goodie Goodie Mixer, I'm gonna have to dig that one up and give it a listen.