सुन बन्धकी राखेर मासु ल्याइन जेठीले Jire Khursani episode 67
All Exclusive copyright of these videos are with Jitu Comedy.
⇨ Jitu Nepal "Mundre"
⇨ Shivahari Poudyal"Mukha Hannu Jasto"
⇨ Kiran K.c "A Rata Makai"
⇨ Gopal Nepal "Fistee"
⇨ Niraj Nepal
⇨ Daman Rupakheti
⇨ Ishan RAut"Jire"
⇨ ShivahariAcharya
⇨ Kamalkant Mainali
⇨ Surendra kc
⇨ Deviram Parajuli
⇨ SabitaGurung
⇨ Anshu Thapa "Hatti"
⇨ Kedar Pd. Ghimire "Magne Buda"
⇨ Sitaram Kattel "Dhurmus"
⇨ Binod K.c" Police"
Make Up : Yadav Thapa
Chapters heading:
00:00 Hatti Purchasing Vegetables
03:00 Mundre and Rata makai mama Meat sales
06:18 Jethi Purchase Meat
06:50 Jire Team Meet To Tourist Petter
10:29 Office Staff Washing Clothes in Office
13:44 Mundre Eating Rice
© Jitu Comedy. All Rights Reserved.
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