1. 00:02 Love Seeker
3. 06:49 Move The Soul
4. 08:45 GrandMaster
5. 11:40 WHERE DO WE GO
6. 14:20 (Ment: Official Greeting; Member Introductions; What do you want to eat in LA?)
7. 23:45 ICY
8. 27:28 Black Out
9. 30:57 Love & Hate
10. 34:35 (Ment: Which songs do you like?)
11. 37:29 Be With You ((足跡))
12. 41:13 Blooming Again
13. 45:00 (Ment: Song Recap)
14. 45:58 HIDEOUT
15. 49:00 Lemon Candy
16. 52:39 STAY
17. 55:57 (Ment: Song Recap; WHEREVER WE ARE meaning?; REN's Happy Birthday; Photo; Member's message to JAM)
18. 1:11:12 Trigger
19. 1:14:22 SuperCali
20. 1:19:28 Eyes On Me
21. 1:15:36 Test Drive
22. 1:29:23 RadioVision
JO1は6都市を巡るJO1DER SHOW 2025「WHEREVER WE ARE」ツアーに乗り出し、今夜彼らはLAで初の単独ショーを開催しました! 2023年にKCON LAで最後に見て以来、しばらくぶりのショーについて聞いたとき、これは嬉しい驚きだった。 彼らは才能のある素晴らしいパフォーマーであることは誰もが知っているので、私はこのショーにとても感銘を受けました。 映像をお楽しみいただければ幸いです!
JO1 has embarked on a six city JO1DER SHOW 2025 'WHEREVER WE ARE' tour and tonight they were in LA for their first solo show here! This was a nice surprise when I heard about the show it's been awhile since I last saw them in 2023 at KCON LA. We all know, they are talented amazing performers, so I was so impressed with the show! I hope you enjoy the footage!
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