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John Askew isone of themost influentialtech-tranceproducer/DJs in the world. Over thelasttwoand a halfdecadeshishigh-octanemusicandpowerfulliveperformanceshavecaptivated fansonall corners of the globe.Fromhisearly days signed toDiscover RecordswherehereleasedhitsincludingThe Door,New Dimension,Fade To Black,VandalismandChime,John has gone on to deliver acatalogue of big singles,remixes,albumsandcompilationsforthecoolestlabels in the scene–includingVII,Armind,Armada,FSOE,Subculture,Vandit,Perfecto Fluoro,Skullduggery,Black Hole,Captivating Sounds,Euphonic,Pure Trance, WAO138andmore......Today John’sVIIlabelcollectiveis themost forward-thinkingentity intrance. VII exclusivelyreleasesmusicfromthe seven artists signed to it (Simon Patterson,WillAtkinson,John Askew,AA Meeting, Greg Downey,OrkideaandActiva).AftermultipleBeatportnumber 1sJohn’s recentreleases on VIIactasaperfect showcase ofhistrademark,tough, drivingsound.Mezcal,These Dogs Trust No One,Running In The Dark,Midnight Oil,Raven,A Million Stars,Black Coffee,......these are the tracks that define thesound of John Askew.Powerful, dynamic andhigh energytech-trancewithstrongemotional overtones.In 2021John releasedhis 13thmix compilation–DuskTill Dawn. This albumon VIIsat atnumber 1 ontheBeatport main album chartforfiveweeks–eclipsing allhouse and technoalbums released during thatsameperiod; atestament to the formidablesoundofthe label.VII have hosted stages at anumberof the world’s hottest Festivals includingTomorrowland,EDC LasVegas,Luminosity,EDC Orlando,andUnkonsciousas well asselling out their stand-alone shows inbothManchester and Amsterdam.ThisyearVIIhost their firstevershow inLondon–wherethey take over the hottest newwarehouse in the city–E1.John is deep intofinishingwork on hishighly anticipated3rdartist albumwhich is due toland in March 2024.Thefirst single“AcesHi”was releasedon Armind in March ofthisyearandwasBeaport number 1 for three weeks.In 2019 John teamed up withlegendary producer andfriendActiva to form a new live act–AAMeeting. This completely livebandfeaturesa perfect fusionoftheir twodistinctsounds.Having already written some 18 new original tracks–AAMeeting performances are theepitome of forward-thinkingelectronicmusic as they exclusively featureunreleasedmusicnobodyhasheard.Their debut liveappearance–closingout the Saturday night ofDreamstate So Cal2019 leftfans andpeersblown away, as did their setatlastyear’sLuminosity BeachFestival.Their debut singles,Summit, Air and Flymarkthebeginning ofwhat’s to come from this Power Trance duo.John’sHard Trance alias Nothing But Rocketsshow’s off the faster 90’s inspired side tohismusic love. The debut single–Kobayashihas just been releasedon Will Atkinson’sVictimsHelplineimprint
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