Go West with the Rat Pack as Ruta Lee recalls being on location in Utah with Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and Sammy Davis Jr. The versatile Ruta, who made her feature film debut in SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS, shares memories of marrying Clint Eastwood (in one of her three RAWHIDE appearances), observing Audie Murphy, America’s Most Decorated soldier, during the filming of BULLET FOR A BADMAN, going to Washington D.C. with Duke, John Wayne. What did Ruta think about all of these rugged men? She loved them!
Ruta revealed that her dear friend, actor Darren McGavin, made a down payment on a house in Palm Springs in her name without telling the 19-year-old actress! What was her Mother’s reaction? Did she and McGavin remain friends?
Miss Ruta is always delightful and brings plenty magic and lucky charm with her. To stay on our schedule, Ruta came for the interview even though her dental work wasn’t until later in the week. Such a pro. Her combo conversation that day with Russ Tamblyn about working together on SEVEN BRIDES is already available on our channel. She didn’t want to miss getting together with her co-star from 60 years ago!! Ya gotta love her spunk and professionalism. No wonder she worked all the time and appeared in hundreds of classic TV shows.
Upon her arrival, the always entertaining, in-demand actress and philanthropist did not disappoint. Following the interview with Russ, Ruta Lee joined me for more about her illustrious career on film and as a major force behind the Thalians, a charity organization she co-founded that raises money for those in need.
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