Hello, JoLang is here again, today i want to introduce you to the song "The wind of change" of the Russian music project "Music Together" A Masterpiece of Russian Culture.
This song will help you to immerse yourself in your own happy memories and thoughts and be able to remember the simple truths of life, to find harmony with yourself and the people around you.
From our ancestors come our good qualities:
our pride, our discipline, our loyalty, our sense of duty,
our will to survive, our patriotism, our bravery,
our heightened sense of honor,
our will to fight for the good, for freedom
our modesty, our mindfulness, our determination,
which we carry within us today.
But we also have in us,
hate feelings, which we must keep in check.
Feelings of revenge, that we have to forgive
and feelings of anger, that we need to permanently appease.
Let's hug and love each other and watch this beautiful and ambiguous video.
This is a wonderful song from the legendary film "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!"
One verse really impressed me and gives me hope, I would like to repeat it:
But there's one wind, the wind that brings the change
That wind will chase away the winds of rage,
will chase away, dispel when time is right,
the winds of sorrow, anger, and goodbyes.
Thank you, that you have listened to this profound song with me, and thanks again to all who commented on my posts.
By, By, see you soon, JoLang
#johann_langgartner #jolang_aut
Music Maxim Dunaevsky, Sl. Naum Olev.
Producer - Timur Vedernikov
Director - Dmitry Burlakov
Cameramen - Evgeniy Goryachkin and Arseniy Tishin
creative producer Andrey Polosin
Муз. Максим Дунаевский, Сл. Наум Олев.
Продюсер -Тимур Ведерников
Режиссер - Дмитрий Бурлаков
Операторы - Евгений Горячкин и Арсений Тишин
креативный продюсер Андрей Полосин
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Timur Vedernikov