JonTron's StarCade: Episode 9 - The Star Wars Holiday Special (FINALE)
THE GRAND FINALE IS HERE! Can Jon possibly take on the most wretched piece of Star Wars media in the galaxy?
Social Media:
Director/Actor/Writer - Jon Jafari
Producer - Lauren "Elle" Williams (
Director of Photography - Steve Failows (
Writer - Zach Hadel
Title Cards/Intro/Art Assets - Michael Azzi (
Original Score (For StarCade Episode 9) - Chris O'Neill (
Visual Effects - Pete Polyakov
To listen to Chris' StarCade Finale score for FREE click here:
Palpatine Actor - Gordon Tarpley (
Palpatine/Vader Voice - Mick Lauer
George Lucas Voice - Piotr Michael (
Darth Vader - Arin Hanson (
Special Thanks to:
George Lucas for please don't sue me also I love you!
Arin Hanson for dressing as Darth Vapor and making me play Star Wars games for 10 months!
Ross O'Donovan + Holly Conrad for epic dance mo3vs.