Heartiest Welcome to Prasanthi Express, an Official YouTube Channel of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Odisha!
This is the very first episode, wherein the Former State President of SSSSO, Odisha, Prof. Harikrishna Dash shares his journey with the Avatar of this age, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Having been associated with Him for years together, bringing into effect many projects under His Divine Commands and getting the enormous opportunity of experiencing the Sai Narayana Himself through His Divya Darshan, Sparshan and Sambhashan, we are extremely fortunately to set forth our Prasanthi Express with a blessed soul like him. We hope that the entire episode will not only touch you in every form and fill you with absolute bliss but also draw you nearer to the Divine. We pray our beloved Swami to shower His abundant grace upon all our viewers. We hope that all our viewers would be equally excited for all the upcoming episodes as we are in uploading them. LET'S BOARD THE PRASANTHI EXPRESS FOR A JOURNEY WITH SRI SATHYA SAI.
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