Different tastes are brought out by the various Chinese clans’ cuisines. However, the differences among taste buds often lead to the misunderstanding among individuals. The founder of 「Full Time Living」, Jason Yeoh showed his emotional side as he speaks about his parents’ support for his journey in realizing his dream to become a news reporter.
Speaking on how we should assimilate and embrace the difference between self and others. Like food, it does not just fill our tummies, but brings friends and family together, said Jason.
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电视工作者。杨佳贤作品风格质朴平实,含探触生命本质的《贤途有你》;紧扣饮食与人生,唤醒人与土地共同记忆的《阿贤人情味》、《阿贤贪吃路线》与《 在地食光》;梳理亚洲饮食脉络的《阿贤亚洲好食光》等等,作品曾获大马和亚洲电视大奖最佳清谈节目与最佳生活休闲节目等殊荣。2009年自组“全职生活”电视制作团队,以人文关怀记录庶民生活,让陌生的心更为靠近,为大马电视节目开拓另一道珍贵的人文风景线。
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx