This was so fun to make, honestly, im not used to editing videos so i wasent to make the flashiest most insane edits ever but im happy with how it turned out. I also really love how all my chromatics just fit this song, have been wanting to make a BETADCIU for a long time now... ok ever since Vs Hecker v2 launched so... 8 moths ago? man has it been a long time. well, i hope you guys like this cover because i certanly loved making it
My twitter
Download the chromatics (please credit me if you use any of them)
Og song by punkett
I hate you (An FNF Mod)
Background vid
Flp used
#fnf #fnfcover #fnfbetadciu
(also, every person that appeared in this cover, sorry if it seems like just a big ass tag spam, ill try to only tag people who i know wouldnt mind it all that much, the others ill put a link to their channels in the comments)
00:21-00:32 @HDDaviGamer vs @viniccius13
00:32-00:44 MasterGir vs WayneradioTV
00:44-00:55 @Saltydkdan vs sauerkraut
00:55-01:08 @BKCplaysPokemon vs False Swipe gaming (THE GOAT FSG, EVERYONE LOVES FSG)
01:08-01:55 Herobrine and Afreim vs Rezendeevil, Luiz1227 and Doran (all from the minecraft series Paraiso)
01:55-02:07 Liam vs Bryce (from One, created by CheeseHfj)
02:07-02:18 @MahDryBread vs @G00SEIT
02:18-02:30 @BigYellowSilly vs @HumanReverend (impossible to not love youtubers right here)
02:30-02:41 Sinister Hooded Figure vs Pokemon Challanges (Pchal)
02:41-03:05 Wolfychan vs Aychristine
03:05-03:27 Andiematronic, @nexuseden(HI NEXUS HI HI HI) Cellochicita and Amelia (from HfjOne) vs Dagames, @limeyace1894(MY BOI LIMEY), Spamton A. Spamton(Also WayneradioTV) and Brazilian L from Death Note
03:27-03:33 Cal Zone vs @AbsolBlogsPokemon (Another case of GameFreak being lazy and reusing the same model for completely different characters)
03:33-03:39 Garfeldi vs Cherem(@VoicesByZane on twitter)
03:39 @JaruJaruJ, @wayneradiotv (the last and real one this time lmfao) and the guy from that one really damn funny como matar a su pou meme that i love so much but i cant be sure if the og upload with 6m views is the actual guy vs @andrew_cunningham, The Blue Gnome and the Evil Pou.exe.iso.mp3.idfk
....... that was a stupid rant lol