Hello, everyone. It's Lee Jumi.
The weather was amazing throughout the weekend. Are you making many good memories in Spring?
I thought I would have a relaxed weekend, but there was an incident in the morning. I thought I wouldn't be able to upload a video for various reasons, but I wanted to keep the promise I made on Instagram chat, so I skipped a meal and ate chocolate to work on this. I feel so much fulfillment uploading this video.
It is already the sixth video. I thought of what title it should have. Recently, I tried taking the MBTI test and I changed to infj. It was interesting to see the MBTI, which did not change for around 6 years, change. I thought maybe the days of going here and there busily might get rarer, so I came up with this title. (But those around me say that I just wanted to sleep. They say I may not be an E but I am an e... hehe)
Regardless of what the MBTI is, let's feel and enjoy the good spring days to the fullest. Then please enjoy watching this video, too, everyone.
Luv u.
📎Instagram @2dumi
📎Blog https://blog.naver.com/jmui3508