Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan has recently made a good debut with Netflix's Maharaj directed by Hichki fame Siddharth P Malhotra. The film ran into a controversy and its release was stalled before it finally got a green signal from Court. While a section claimed it hurt religious sentiments, the Court called the claim null and void. In this chat with Galatta India, Siddharth talks about the entire controversy and shares the anxiety and agony the team had to deal with, before the film hit Netflix. Not just that, Junaid Khan also reveals how he's been away from the prying away, unlike other contemporary starkids who he claims to not know personally at all. Ask him about being quiet and not having a heavily curated launch and he just smiles. He shares he's been rejected several times for many reasons and also responds to dad Aamir Khan's claims of his kids not listening to him at all. While Siddharth shares Junaid doesn't even borrow his dad's car, he reiterates by adding that Aamir indeed paid for his theatre education and still pays his bills. In the end, he also discusses the family dynamics today after his parents remained friends post separation and co-parented both him and Ira. Watch all this in this interview.
#junaidkhan #aamirkhan #maharaj #galattaindia
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