Just A Robot just put out a video, in part focused on apology, and in part as a response to all of the allegations we discussed in the last video.
The most important of which being the claim that he defended a pr*dator because he had romantic interest in them, him asking a seventeen year old for expl*cit artwork of Jaiden Animations, him sending f*tish artwork to another minor, and the uncomfortable effort he made to meet up with and talk to my friends and I at Vidcon after we cut ties with him, after we expressed that we did not want to be around him, and in the year after – I guess – following us at the convention after he saw us.
…If that doesn’t sound like the most terminally online stuff you have ever heard, then I am concerned.
So, let’s watch Just A Robot’s video, “Response with Receipts”. Oh boy, I can’t wait to see those!
Second Channel video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FfrilAuRGg&t=1s
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