UHHHHHHHHH i think me and jellybean are just gonna blahblahblahblahblah like we always do :3c but this time, YOURE THERE! AND WE CAN TALK TO YOU! isnt that cool? thats cool. I hope my internet doesnt crash again. i dont think it will, but if it does i'll cry. and then make a video about it! or a tweet. i havent decided yet. ANYWAYS enjoy the stream :3c
Old PNGtuber Artist : https://x.com/CelestialCherri
New PNGtuber Artist: https://x.com/OrangeeQueen
Emote Artist: @IMCARBRRR
Comment "dessertduo" if you see this! (I'll know you're a real one)
BGM Tracklist:
moonboy - popcorn
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/moonboypopcorn
Hicks - Pumpkin
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/hickspumpkin
Tama - Taiyaki
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/tamataiyaki
moonboy - candy
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/moonboycandy
Hicks - First Floor
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/hicksfirstfloor
flwrz - bedtime stories
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/flwrzbedtime
Tama - Clouds
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/tamaclouds
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/arisuueno
moonboy - stay with me
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/moonboystay
Hicks - Milk
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/hicksmilk
moonboy - pocky sticks
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/moonboypocky
flwrz - paper planes
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/flwrzpaperplanes
ARISU - Digital Monsters
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/digitalmonsters
Hicks - Fiji
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/hicksfiji
Tama - Vanilla Sky
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/tamavanillasky
kyu - friendship
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/kyufriendship
Tama - Coffee
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/tamacoffee
moonboy - seconds
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/moonboyseconds
ARISU - Watermelon
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/arisuwatermelon
Hicks - Memories
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/hicksmemories
moonboy - butter
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/moonboybutter
Tama - Initium
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/tamainitium
Hicks - Sweet Pleasure
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/sweetpleasure
moonboy - tides
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/moonboytides
Tama - Sweet Morning
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/sweetmorning
Hicks - Whiskey on Ice
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/whiskeyonice
moonboy - iced coffee
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/icedcoffee
Hicks - Beach Sunset
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/beachsunset
Tama - Starlit Path
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/starlitpath
ARISU - Origami
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/arisuorigami
flwrz - out of time
Stream/Download: https://ffm.to/flwrzoutoftime
#VTuber #envtuber #Live #Gaming #Cinnamunch