I'm region locked for 5 areas in the game and for each area I have to find the most op weapons according to that class.
*I can only use weapons that scale with FAITH*
Inspired by @happydaysgames
Music by @DMDOKURO
A Few Notes:
- Faith is actually one of the most balanced stats in the game and you could make a "most OP" build out of any seal or weapon in this category.
-There are obviously many more buffs I could've used (seppuku + lord of bloods exultation, poison + kindred of rots exultation) but I wanted to keep it a little practical.
- It's very hard to beat a weapon such as blasphemous blade, it's the best weapon in the game.
-Due to many insightful comments, I will now use scaling to use weapons instead of required stats.
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