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Just wrap tofu and vegetables in rice paper, and your crispy vegan dumplings are ready!

家常素Irene Yong 285,942 7 months ago
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@HomemadeVeganIreneYong 《豆腐米皮餃子|Rice Paper Tofu Dumplings》 以米纸包着豆腐及蔬菜做成的馅料,煎后外层酥香, 豆腐蔬菜馅鲜美,沾酱料更美味! Wrapped tofu and vegetables in rice paper, the outer layer is crispy and the fillings are delicious, more delicious with dipping sauce! 食材: 越南米纸、板豆腐 150克、高丽菜 160克、葱 / 韭菜 80克、 蒜泥 1茶匙、姜泥 ½茶匙、芝麻 1茶匙、盐巴 ⅓+¼茶匙、 糖 ½茶匙、胡椒粉 ¼茶匙、芝麻油 1茶匙、鹰嘴豆淀粉 2汤匙 砂糖 ½汤匙、醬油 1汤匙、香醋 1茶匙 Ingredients: Rice Papers, firm tofu 150g, cabbage 160g, spring onion / chives 80g, garlic paste 1tsp, ginger paste ½tsp, sesame 1tsp, salt ⅓+¼tsp, sugar ½tsp, white pepper ¼tsp, sesame oil 1tsp, chickpea starch 2tbsp, sugar ½tbsp, soy sauce 1tbsp, balsamic vinegar 1tsp #素食 #家常菜 #素食料理 #家常素 #素食菜谱 #素食vegan #米纸 #豆腐 #餃子 #米纸餃子 #vegan #veganrecipes #veganfood #ricepaper #ricepaperrolls #ricepaperrolls #tofu #tofurecipe #dumplings #ricepaperdumpling
