"Kalyo Gayo Re Balyo Re", a famous Kalbelia song of the Kalbelia community, invites us to a local fair through joyful melodies. Kalyo's trip yields a black stick with nine wires, a companion for his goats. A charismatic woman playfully claims hearts as bands resonate on the mountainside, awaiting a girl's arrival. Amid lively rhythms, the brother-in-law's visits foster cheerful gatherings. With energetic refrains, the song captures the essence of a festive, enchanting fair.
Song Credits -
Gulabo Sapera - 9528417807
Raghu Dhela - 7339930671
Harji Nath - 6378640046
Vikram Dholi - 8239016161
Ajay Bhat - 8952000622
Rahul - 9828417807
Rakhi Poonam - 9166246481
Webpage - https://anahad.ngo/groups/gulabosapera
Lyrics -
A rarararararara ra
Kalyo gayo re balyo re mela main re laayo kaali re lakdi
(Kalyo went to the local fair and bought a black stick)
Re Kalyo gayo re balyo re mela main,
(Kalyo went to the fair and got a black stick)
A rarararararara ra
Re kaali lakdi ke nau nau taar, re milyo chali main legyo
(The black stick had nine wires; he took it along while his goats grazed)
A rarararararara ra
Re main toh chappan churi re matwali dil ko cheer dalungi
(I am a very attractive woman, I pierce through everyone’s heart)
A rarararararara ra
A rarararararara ra
Re baaja baaje re dungar main
(The bands are playing in the mountain)
Chori thane le walo aaya
(O girl, they have come to receive you)
Re baaja baaje re dungar main
(The bands are playing in the mountain)
Chori thane le walo aaya
(O girl, they have come to receive you)
A rarararararara ra
Re jijo jadi aave jad keve saali mhari baith mhari gaadi main
(Whenever my brother in law arrives, he asks me to join him)
A rarararararara ra
Dheere dheere dheere dheere dheere eeee
(Go easy)
Aye wah ye chori wah ye chori wah ye…
(O girl, bravo!)
Aheee ae ae ae ae ae ae ee…
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