The Kabbalistic theory of the Sefirot in the Tree of Life configuration is perhaps one of the most enduring images of Jewish mysticism and esoteric spirituality more generally. This episode introduces the earliest manifestations of the Sefirot as systematic divine emanations along with the Right, Center, Left configuration that became the Etz HaHayyim or Tree of Life by exploring the teachings of the early French and Spanish Proto-Kabbalists Isaac the Blind or Saggi Nehor ("Full of Light") and his student Azriel of Gerona.
#kabbalah #sefirot #treeoflife
Recommended Readings
Dan - Early Kabbalah - 978-0809127696
R. Azriel - Be'ur Eser S'firot -'ur_Eser_S'firot.3?lang=bi
Saggi Nehor - Commentary on Sefer Yetzirah -,MarkBrian.Rabbi.Isaac.the.Blind.onSY,ch.1-2.pdf
Habertal - Nahmanides: Law and Mysticism - 978-0300140910