Kabbalism is a school of Jewish mysticism that's made a celebrity splash. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli continue a conversation with Dr. Justin Sledge about the controversial millennia-old Kabbalah teachings about God, the creation of the world, the origin of evil, and the afterlife.
Further Resources:
• Kabbalah: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabbalah
• Dr. Sledge’s Esoterica Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ESOTERICAchannel
• Esoterica playlist on Kabbalah: https://youtu.be/ABeeKCygNlw
• Dr. Justin Sledge’s website: https://www.justinsledge.com/
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Mysterious Headlines: (Creepy Robotics Theme)
• Creepy AI *THING* Chants Prayers to God (summary): https://www.hackster.io/news/this-terrifying-robotic-mouth-chants-ai-generated-prayers-9719ad6f0900
• Creepy AI *THING* Chants Prayers to God (website): https://theprayer.diemutstrebe.com/#
• Living Robot Skin: https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-have-made-this-creepy-as-heck-living-skin-for-robots