পায়রার খেল পানি | পায়রা বেশিক্ষন ওড়ার উপায় #kabootarbazi #pigeon #pigeonlover #viral #pigeonfood #pigeonracing
Discover effective pigeon training techniques with a focus on water training for pigeons in this informative video. 🌟 Learn how to prepare and conduct water training sessions to enhance your pigeons' racing and flying abilities. From creating the perfect water training environment to understanding the benefits for pigeon health and performance, this video covers everything a pigeon enthusiast needs to know. Watch now and take your pigeon training to the next level!
#pigeontraining #kabootarbazi #pigeonlover #viral #pigeonfood #pigeonracing #pigeonhealth #FlyingAbilities #pigeontips #pigeoncare